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Certified Scrum Master (CSM) is a person authorized to handle a scrum team efficiently. The scrum master acts as a facilitator for an agile project team. Scrum is a method with the help of which a team becomes capable of organizing itself and makes the decisions and acceptable changes quickly in accordance with the agile principles. The Scrum Master works by exchanging the information. The scrum methodology was first used in the field of manufacturing in a paper by Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka.
According to a report on agile in the year 2018, the most obvious reasons to implement agile are given below:
- It enhances the software quality by 45%
- It enhances the ability to manage the priorities by 64%
- It improves the IT/business alignments by 49%
- It increases productivity by 55%, and last but by no means the least
- It improves the delivery process of the software by 75%
Nowadays, many companies are joining the marathon of being a successful company by paving towards the Certified Scrum Master (CSM). Another reason for the companies searching for Certified Scrum Master (CSM) is the rising popularity of CSM in not only in the IT sector but in non-IT sectors as well.
If you have pursued and gained an IT certificate, then you have a Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Certification. However, make sure that you have a basic knowledge of Scrum and Agile methodologies.
Why CSM?
Being a Certified Scrum Master helps you to have a wide array of knowledge in the ocean of scrum. Moreover, it also helps to improve one’s mindset. Another big reason to pursue CSM training or any other certificate course is that it helps to improve the value of our knowledge. To have any certificate helps as a feather in our career growth. There is an endless reason to pursue CSM such as by having a degree of CSM you get easily highlight in your company and get the chance of an agile team, having a Scrum knowledge strengthen your team and improves the efficiency of your work.
Who will get benefits by pursuing CSM?
Every course is not meant for everyone. As an instance, a doctor will not pursue any course related to the field if engineering. But Certified Scrum Master training is beneficial for all those who want to improve their performance in the organizations. Anybody can join the CSM certification course who are interested to work in the agile team.
One company in Denmark asks all its employees from the receptionist to the Senior manager and employee to get a knowledge in the Scrum in order to improve and strengthen the quality of work in the company as this is highly beneficial for both the team leaders and the members.
With the help of certain reports by many most used search engines, we can conclude that the popularity of CSM is rising day by day making the IT professionals getting recommend all over the corporate industry.