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Did you know that about 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment?
Eye disorders are more prevalent than you might think, but there are so many different issues that people can have with their eyesight, it’s hard to know which ones are commonly dealt with overall.
Knowing this helps you get a better idea of what treatment options are out there, what recovery looks like, and more.
Are you dealing with your own eyesight problems? If so, keep reading as we explore the top 3 types of vision problems that are most common and how to treat them.
1. Refractive Errors
These are extremely common and directly impact the shape of the eye itself. The vision problems caused by a misshapen eye can impact how light focuses on the retina. As a result, someone with a refractive error won’t be able to see clearly either up close or at a distance.
The three most popular types of refractive errors are astigmatism, myopia, and hyperopia.
Treatments include LASIK or PRK surgery, but an implantable lens can also be helpful if these surgeries are not an option. You can learn about refractive lens exchange here for more information on what implantable lenses look like.
Non-surgical treatments include glasses or contact lenses, which can treat the symptoms of these issues, but they will not cure the problem itself.
2. Cataracts
As one of the leading causes of blindness in the world, cataracts are when there is a cloud on the lens of the eye which inhibits light from getting to the retina. A person can get cataracts at any age, but they are generally most common in older individuals.
The best treatment for cataracts is laser surgery, which uses the same computer-guided technology as LASIK. The symptoms of cataracts may get better with eyeglasses or special magnifying lenses, but these will not cure cataracts altogether.
3. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
This is another one of the leading causes of vision loss and blindness in the world in people older than 60 years old. This issue impacts the macula, which is the center of the retina. It causes vision issues in the center of a person’s field of vision.
The main types are dry AMD and wet AMD. Dry AMD is related to a buildup of small yellow deposits underneath the macula. Wet AMD is more serious and is related to abnormal blood vessel growth underneath the retina.
Treatments for AMD include regular injections to control the blood vessel growth or photodynamic laser therapy.
Know the Common Types of Vision Problems Out There
With these different types of vision problems in mind, you can have a better understanding of what billions of people are dealing with around the world.
If you’re one of them, knowing these treatment options can help you get the help you need from local treatment providers.
Check out more of our blog to get additional health-related information that will help with your day-to-day life.