A BYOD policy can save companies money, increase productivity and encourage a positive company culture. But, it can also be tricky to implement and keep up with as technology changes. Blacklisting an employee’s apps can be seen as violating privacy and isn’t always practical, especially since new applications are constantly popping up. Whitelisting is a more practical solution.

Require Strong Passwords

A BYOD policy must include password protection and other security measures for employee-owned devices. The policy should outline these measures clearly, and employees should be educated on protecting their data.

You should also include a backup system for your employees’ devices linked to the company’s network. This will help them if their device is lost or wiped, allowing the company to recover essential data.

Accidents happen, and sometimes tracking what your employees are doing with their devices is challenging. You should also clarify that if a device is lost or stolen, it may be wiped to prevent access to sensitive information. This often erases all content on the device, including personal pictures, music, and applications they bought and paid for.

While malware can be a problem for any business, it is particularly problematic for companies with BYOD policies. The good news is that you can minimize the risk of it happening by educating your employees about best practices and regularly performing security audits.

Require Regular Backups

When employees use personal devices to access company information, they must have a way to back up this data. Without this backup, sensitive data can be exposed to viruses or malware, and hardware failures can occur. This is why including a plan for backing up personal devices in the BYOD policy is critical.

It is also a good idea to clarify that employees must use strong passwords for their accounts and services so that if they lose or misplace their device, the contents are not immediately available to third parties. Similarly, it is good to set up a process for dealing with devices when employees leave the business. This could include remotely wiping the devices or making it a condition of employment that they hand over their device to IT before leaving.

Having a well-written and implementable BYOD policy can help your business stay on track to achieve its goals and objectives. This is why it is essential that stakeholders from various departments, like human resources, finance, and IT operations, are included in the policy planning process. This will ensure that the policy addresses all the concerns and interests of employees as well as the needs of the business.

Require Multi-Factor Authentication

Many businesses are concerned that BYOD increases the risk of malware attacks on corporate networks. This concern is valid but can be overcome by requiring strong password policies and multi-factor authentication. This extra layer of security will make it more difficult for hackers to access company networks.

A mobile device management (MDM) solution is also essential to any BYOD policy. It will help secure employee devices, segregate business data from personal information, and allow remote wipe capabilities. The MDM solution should also be compatible with multiple devices and operating systems.

Some companies choose to reimburse employees for BYOD-related expenses. If this is the case, the written policy should outline the reimbursement policy. Providing regular training seminars on the BYOD policy and its implications for employees is also a good idea. This will ensure that employees know the rules and can easily comply. An IT department member or a trusted third-party vendor can lead the training sessions.

Require Regular Monitoring

A BYOD policy should include a way to monitor personal devices regularly and have transparent processes in place for addressing breaches. It should also cover any reimbursement policies and training for employees required to use their devices for work.

Monitoring employees’ devices can help companies better protect data and networks. It can also reduce the risk of losing or misplacing devices that contain sensitive company information.

Some common ways to monitor employees’ devices are restricting their ability to download specific applications or requiring passwords for accessing personal apps. However, these measures can have the opposite effect if employees feel their privacy is infringed upon.

A more practical solution is to use a mobile device management (MDM) tool that will verify that an employee’s device is compliant and have a process for remotely wiping their device should it be lost or stolen. This is especially important if an employee decides to leave the company. A remote wipe will remove any company data from the device before it gets into the wrong hands.

Require Regular Training

The BYOD policy needs to detail how your employees are expected to handle confidential information on their devices. This could include how they are expected to store and back up files, what applications they can use, and if any apps are off-limits. In addition, the BYOD policy should specify what steps employees must take if they encounter any device problems or issues.

Privacy is a significant concern for many employees, and your BYOD policy must outline how your company will maintain privacy while giving them access to the information they need. For example, it’s essential to know whether or not your company can remotely wipe data from the employee’s device in case it is lost or stolen.

The BYOD policy must also outline any other requirements your company may have regarding the device and its systems. This may include installing security solutions, laying out which virtual private network or mobile device security apps are allowed, and establishing protocols for vetting new devices. It’s also essential to create a clear exit strategy for employees. This includes defining how and when access tokens, email access, and data will be removed from the device once an employee is no longer with your organization.

By Manali