Instagram is a platform for visuals and therefore having high-quality photos is crucial to the success of an Instagram strategy. Also, high-quality photos result in high-quality engagement.

It’s not necessary to be a professional photographer to publish stunning content on Instagram accounts.

All you need is a smartphone camera, some editing tools and techniques… along with some practice.

Learn the best ways to modify Instagram images to increase your following and create an appealing brand image. In addition, you’ll get a rundown of the top editing apps like picuki for photos that allow you to edit your pictures to the next level.

Edit Your Insta Post

1. Start with a high-quality image

Even the most effective filter won’t cover up a poor photo So make sure that you start with high-quality photos.

Natural lighting is the most ideal alternative, but you should use the HDR mode of your smartphone camera when you shoot in dim lighting, close-up or outdoor portraits to get the best results.

2. Upload your picture to Instagram

Start the Instagram application and then click the plus-sign icon located in the upper right.

Then you will be presented with an option to post. Choose a post, then choose your image from the gallery. Tap next.

3. Select one of the filters

There’s various filters which can adjust the lighting as well as the contrast, colors and the sharpness of your image in various ways.

“Gingham” for example gives a flat and soft look, while “Inkwell” makes your photos to black and white. You can tap each filter to see the way it will appear on the photo you’re using it with.

4. Modify your image using Instagram’s editing tool. Instagram editing tool.

On the bottom in the window, there’s the “Edit” tab to the right. Click that to open an edit menu:

Modify: You can use this tool to straighten your image or change the vertical or horizontal perspective.

The slider can be used that will increase or decrease the brightness of your photo.

Contour: A slider that can create a distinction between the bright and dark areas of the images more or less noticeable.

Structure: Enhance the details in the images.

Warmth: The slide is left to warm the atmosphere with bright orange tones and to the left for cooling them using blue tones.

Color saturation: adjust the brightness of the hues.

Color: Add colors to either the highlights or shadows in the image.

Fade: Use this feature to make your photograph appear as if it’s been washed-out — like it’s faded by the sun.

Highlights: Lighten or darken the areas that are the most bright in the image.

Shadows: Lighten or darken the darkest parts of the image.

Vignette The slider can be used to make the edges darker in the image to make the photo in the center appear brighter because of contrast.

Tilt Shift: Select either one of a “radial” or “linear” focal point and then blur all other things.

Enhance the Sharpness: Give finer details sharper. (What’s what the distinction between that and the structure? Unclear.)

5. Tweak individual photos in a multi-image post

If you’re sharing several photos in one post (also known as a carousel) you can edit each independently. Click on the Venn diagram icon located in the lower-right corner of the image to display the individual editing options.

If you do not, Instagram will apply your changes to each photo in exactly the same way. If the photos you’ve taken were taken under different conditions or have diverse subject matter, then editing them separately is a good idea.

6. Post your picture (or save it to your computer for future use)

Create your caption and tag anyone or any location Then, tap share to share your masterpiece out there to the world.

Don’t Miss It Read:

Viewing Instagram Profiles with this Online Tool: Is it Free to use?


By Manali