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In this blog post, we are going to discuss non surgical liposuction. Non surgical liposuction is a popular form of fat removal that does not require surgery. This means that you can have the procedure done without having to go under general anesthesia or spend time in the hospital. Non surgical liposuction is a relatively new technology that has been growing in popularity over the past few years. It is an excellent option for those who want to lose weight but do not want to go through surgery or spend time recovering.
How does Non Surgical Liposuction Work?
Non surgical liposuction is a popular treatment option for people who want to lose weight or reduce cellulite. The procedure works by removing fat from areas of the body by using special techniques and equipment. Non surgical liposuction is generally safe, but like all surgeries there are risks associated with it.
There are two main types of non surgical liposuction: cold laser and vacuum extraction. Cold laser liposuction uses a laser to heat up the fat cells and make them rupture. This causes the fat cells to release their contents and eventually remove the fat from the area. Vacuum extraction is similar to cold laser liposuction, but instead of using a laser, the doctor uses a machine that sucks out the fat cells.
After Non Surgical Liposuction
If you’re considering liposuction but are worried about the potential risks, here’s some information to help you make an informed decision. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that can remove fat from specific areas of your body by using a vacuum or electronic device.
There are several risks associated with liposuction, but the vast majority of people who have the surgery experience few or no adverse effects. The most common risks include:
Scarring: Scarring is the most common complication after liposuction and can occur anywhere on your body where the surgery was performed. Scarring can be mild or severe, and may require extensive treatment over time.
Amount of fat removed: Liposuction may not result in as much weight loss as you expected, due to the fact that some fat may remain in non-targeted areas. This can lead to a gain in weight later on if you don’t maintain your new lifestyle changes.
Injury: Liposuction can cause minor injuries, such as pain at the site of surgery, bruising, and swelling. More serious injuries, such as nerve damage or infections, may occur if the procedure is done improperly or if there’s underlying medical conditions (like diabetes) involved.