Summer is almost here, and you know what that means, more time spent outside with your dog. It’s an excellent opportunity to get out of the house and enjoy being in nature, but there are some factors you should consider before letting your furry friend run wild. One of those is ticks and fleas.

Ticks and fleas are pests that can infest your pet’s fur and be transmitted to other animals and humans who come into contact with them. While it might seem like a minor problem initially, these pesky little parasites can cause serious health issues if left untreated.

And they’re more accessible than ever for dogs to contract during summer months when temperatures rise and humidity levels increase. Here are some tips on how to spot them early on.

Use Bravecto Chews for Dogs to Kill Ticks and Fleas

If you’re looking for a way to protect your dog during the summer months and into the fall, Bravecto Chews for Dogs may be just what you need. This chewable tablet kills fleas, ticks, and flea eggs and larvae in dogs over six weeks old. It also prevents heartworm disease. 

And since these chewable treats are practical for so long, the frequency of administration is reduced, and so is the stress of medicating your dog often. Moreover, Bravecto eliminates the existing population of ticks and fleas and prevents eggs from hatching, which is effective for long-term results. 

Do Not Allow Your Dog to Play With Stray Dogs and Cats

According to WellBeing International, there are four stray dogs per 1000 individuals in the US. The easiest way to avoid ticks and fleas is to keep your dog away from stray dogs and cats. If your dog does play with a stray, it’s essential to wash them thoroughly after the interaction. It’s also a good idea to check for ticks, fleas, and other parasites on their skin afterward.

Stray animals can carry diseases that can be passed onto your pet, including heartworms. They can also bite or scratch your dog during playtime, which could cause an infection or injury like an abscessed tick bite. Some stray animals will be aggressive towards dogs, so you should never trust them around yours.

Keep Your Lawn Trimmed, and Do Not Let Shrubs and Bushes Grow Wild

Ticks and fleas can survive in your lawn and yard. As a result, it’s essential to keep your grass cut short and free of debris. Shrubs can provide a place for ticks to hide, so ensure you trim them regularly. Hire a landscaping service to manage your yard so that no shrubs go uncut for long periods.

If you have large bushes or trees on your property, consider having them trimmed down during the summer months when ticks tend to be more active. It will ensure that fewer ticks can flourish around these plants, and thus less likely for them to jump onto dogs when they walk through the area.

Do Not Allow Your Dog to Roam Freely in the Neighbourhood

It will help if you keep your dog on a leash in public. If you have a dog that still needs to be trained to walk on a leash, it is best to wait until they are older and more mature before taking them for walks.

Your dog should be kept from roaming freely in the neighborhood. If they are adequately trained, it can be easier for them to come back home when called, and this could put them at risk of being injured, lost, or stolen by someone who wants to harm them or sell them off illegally.

Even if your dog has been trained well and knows how to obey commands such as “come” or “sit,” they may still be tempted by other dogs roaming around outside the home or park where you take them for walks regularly each weekday. It means keeping them on a leash even after completing their training successfully. Especially during summer, when there are increased numbers of ticks crawling all over lawns.

Take Care of the Hygiene Around Your House by Doing Regular Dusting, Sweeping, and Mopping

You can do a few things inside your home to help keep ticks and fleas away from your dog. The first thing is to take care of the hygiene around your house by doing regular dusting, sweeping, and mopping. If there are cracks or crevices in the floorboards or walls where pests could enter from outside, seal them up with putty or glue.

Also, ensure that you clean all surfaces in your house and clean off any clutter which could provide shelter for fleas and ticks to hide. Additionally, keep pet bedding clean and dry and check that the pets’ food bowl is always kept clean.

You Can Help Protect Your Pet From Fleas, Ticks, and Much More

According to the 2021-2022 National Pet Owners Survey, around 90.5 million households, or 70% of the American population, have a dog in their family. If you’re like most dog owners, chances are your pet is a treasured family member. That’s why protecting your dog from fleas and ticks is essential. Especially during the summer when they can be more active and spend more time outdoors.

Fleas and ticks can cause a lot of harm to your dog, so you must do everything in your power to keep them away. Fortunately, there are many ways you can ensure flea-and-tick protection for your pup without having to rely on toxic chemicals or even harsh insecticides or pesticides. 


We hope these tips help keep your dog safe from fleas and ticks this summer. The flea and tick product market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.39% during 2022 – 2027, and the market is full of various preventive products. 

Remember, it is essential to use the right products and follow the instructions closely so that they work effectively on your pet. If you follow all of these tips, we are sure you will have a happy and healthy dog.

By Manali