Suppose you are a resident of Florida, and you are wondering if this health insurance covers the cost of free dental implants in Florida for low-income families. Then you’ve come to the right page. We will answer all your questions concerning Medicaid and dental care shortly. But first, what exactly is Medicaid? 

Medicaid is a federal health insurance program that is managed individually by the different states in the U.S. It covers the cost of medical care for over 72 million Americans, making it easier for low-income families to assess medical care. Part of the medical cost covered by Medicaid includes the cost of dental services.

Does Medicaid Cover The Cost of Free Dental Implants in Florida?

Although the federal government sets the eligibility requirements for Medicaid, the state, however, controls the operations of the program. Each U.S state reserves the right to modify the medical services covered by the program. Generally, Medicaid only covers the cost of medical costs that are seen as medically necessary by the state.

So, to answer the question “does Medicaid cover the cost of dental implants” the simple answer is NO! 

The majority of the states in the U.S does not cover the cost of dental implants, especially for adults. However, there might be exceptions for children because of EPSDT benefits.

Children on medicare between the ages of 1-21 are entitled to the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) benefits. However, in some rare instances, Medicaid could pay for the costs of the procedure if someone of this age needs a dental implant. But they usually don’t cover the full cost.

Why Doesn’t Medicaid Cover the Cost of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are usually seen as aesthetic procedures that are not medically necessary for the overall health of people who are insured. Medicaid would often not pay for an elective procedure.

However, there may be certain exceptions and considerations for Medicaid to pay for dental implants. If a patient can prove that they have a serious medical need for implants, then the procedure may be approved by Medicaid. Before approving the procedure, they may request detailed paperwork from your dentist that explains how a dental implant is necessary for treating your dental problems. They may also request other supporting information, such as your dental X-rays and images and a complete treatment plan.

But you should note that Medicaid may still likely refuse to cover the costs of a dental implant even after going through all these procedures.

What Dental Treatments Does Medicaid Cover in Florida

The Medicaid program in Florida only covers the following emergency-based dental procedures: dentures, sedation, X-rays, teeth extractions, problem-focused care, and pain management. The dentist must establish medical necessity for these procedures before they can be approved.

It’s important to know that one of the restrictions to the dental procedures covered by Medicaid is the fact that not every dentist in the U.S accept Medicaid.

Affordable Dental Implants Treatment Plans For Low-incomes

Dental implants are expensive procedures costing between $1,500 to $2,500. This covers the implant, abutment, and dental crown. It often costs more when bone grafts are needed.

For low-income families who are in need of dental implants and are unable to bear the cost, there are a few options available.

Dental Discount Plans 

A dental discount plan is a good way to save money for dental implant treatment. There are several dental discount plans you can find, but they all have the same advantages listed below. 

  • Members receive discounts on the dental treatments they need without an annual limit. 
  • Members only pay one low fee annually.
  • Access to an extensive network of dentists who offer reduced rates to members.
  • No approvals or sign-up forms are required. 

Discounted Services at Dentistry Schools

Many university dental programs in the U.S offer dental services for the public at a discount. You can visit any of these dentistry schools for treatments from the students. In case you’re worried about receiving treatments from the students, you don’t have to. They don’t act alone. Usually, a professional dentist supervises the entire process to ensure nothing goes wrong.

In conclusion, you could also speak to your family doctor for them to recommend other viable and cheap options for you. They are usually well informed about things like this and can easily connect you to the right people to talk to.

By Manali