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Running a marathon is one of the ultimate tests of physical ability. In fact, in the Greek myth that inspired the concept, the central figure drops dead at the end. Even today, deaths during marathons do occur.
But thankfully these days this is due to an underlying condition or a lack of preparation. Still, there are plenty of ways you can injure yourself when running a marathon. To prevent running injuries, you’ll need to know what these are and the steps to take to avoid them.
If you’re beginning to train for a marathon, then you need to see this guide. Read on to learn how to prevent common running injuries now.
1. Pulling a Muscle
One of the most common injuries for any type of runner is pulling a muscle, usually in the legs. This can happen because you’ve stretched your legs too far, you put your foot down in an awkward position, or even just if you overdo it with your training.
To avoid pulling or permanently damaging your muscles always make sure to warm up and warm down with light stretching before you run. Also, make sure to take rest days between periods of running.
2. Experiencing Chafing
Chafing is one injury that you might not hear about as often, but it’s an issue that plagues long-distance runners. This is because of the repetitive motion of skin rubbing against skin coupled with the moisture from your sweat.
Common areas for chafing include the groin, armpits, and nipples. This article has some great tips to prevent chafing, but one of the best things you can do is buy the right gear.
3. Blisters on the Feet
When you’re training for a marathon—or running in one—the last thing you want to appear on your foot is a blister. But unfortunately, this is a common occurrence. Blisters pop up for much the same reason that chafing happens.
You can avoid blisters developing by wearing special running shoes and choosing the right socks. Apply blister patches to any that you begin to notice immediately for best results.
4. Depletion of Muscle Tissue
When you’re doing so much intense cardio, it will happen that the lean muscle in your body will deplete. But this can be damaging to your health and your fitness levels.
To stop this from happening, be sure you’re cross-training to work out your muscles. You also need to be conscious about how you’re fuelling your body.
5. Shin Splints
Shin splints are a common affliction that affects a lot of long-distance runners. It’s a pain that develops in the lower legs due to repeatedly putting weight on your lower body.
These can be avoided with careful stretching and maintaining a healthy weight. Wearing the proper footwear is also important to avoid this ailment.
Running a Marathon the Healthy Way
Running a marathon is always going to be physically challenging. In fact, that’s pretty much the whole point. But you don’t need to put your body through any added unnecessary stress.
Follow the above tips to avoid these common distance running injuries. For more healthful tips, check out the rest of our site now.