Most of the money you spend on your air compressor comes from how much electricity you use to run it. According to studies, 76% of the cost, in fact, is from electricity. The remaining 24% of the costs are for equipment and maintenance.

If your air compressor is not running efficiently, you may waste money on electricity. It may be time for an Air Compressor replacement, but how do you know what time is the right time?

We are about to provide you with the key indicators you should be looking for when it comes to an Air Compressor replacement.

1. Outdated

The first thing you need to find out is if your air compressor is outdated. Just like anything else, air compressors have a lifespan. The length of the life span that your air compressor has depends on two things, which include the quality of it and how much you use it.

When air compressor parts break down, it often leads to more repairs, like a domino effect. The first repair you make may be cost-effective, but as they build up, the total cost can end up more than just replacing it altogether.

2. Performance is Not Up to Par

If your air compressor is not performing to its standard, then what are you waiting for? It’s time for a replacement. It is especially time if you notice a big difference in its performance level.

You could consider a variable speed drive (VSD) air compressor for energy efficiency. Click here to learn more.

3. Struggling to Keep Up With Growth

In times of growth, your company likely needs to purchase or lease new equipment. You should consider a new air compressor, or even an upgrade to a better, quiet air compressor.

An air compressor can only hold so much air. You deplete the air stock as you use it, and as time goes on, the air compressor will kick back on so that it can compress additional air. As a result, you will need to wait for the compressor to catch up and this leads to a loss of productivity.

4. Pressure Drops

If your company’s operators notice a drop in pressure with their tools, check the pressure settings. Often, they are set too high, but that isn’t always the case.

Next, check the filter and see if it appears saturated. Afterward, see if the pipes are large enough to accommodate the air capacity. If everything is okay but you are still experiencing a pressure drop, the reason may be that the unit is not big enough to handle the demand.

If this is the case, you need an upgrade.

5. It Stops

The most obvious sign you get that you need a replacement is that it just plain stops. Although, it may shut down from high temperatures, so you want to tell the difference.

For instance, the heat in summer outside can prevent an air compressor from cooling down. Here, if it overheats, it will then shut off. If this is not the case, then there is a problem.

You want to check to see if you need to blow out the coolers. If you blow out the coolers and the problem persists, then there is a major problem. The next best thing you should do is replace it.

Air Compressor Replacement

Now you know what to look for with your current air compressor. If it is outdated, not performing well, can’t keep up with growth, pressure drops, or it just plain stops, it could be time for an air compressor replacement.

For more great tips to keep your business running smoothly, check us out again soon for new articles.

By Manali