Small wooden cabin house in the evening. Exterior design.

More than 50 percent of people in the United States today are open to living in tiny homes. These homes are generally under 500 square feet and are sometimes makeshift homes made out of containers or structures that had a different previous purpose. 

When you’re interested in outfitting your tiny home in a way that makes a difference, we have some guidelines that can help you get started. 

The tips below will help you when you’re working on decorating a tiny home. 

1. Keep a Minimalist Mindset

Small home decorating requires a minimalist mindset. People often turn to tiny homes when they’re trying to scale their lives down, which is why 55 percent of owners have more savings in the bank than the national average. 

Keep these minimalist mindsets as you factor in the design and theme of the tiny home. Consider the essentials, and make sure that any decorative feature serves a purpose. 

Select colors that make the home feel light and inviting. When you’re looking for mini homes for sale, it’s important that you have a plan for each wall fixture and how you’ll make use of flooring and ceiling space. 

2. Figure Out Your Storage Needs

Organizing a small space requires you to take care of all your storage needs upfront. Having storage and organizing a small home goes hand-in-hand. 

Consider creating storage spaces under tables and stairs, and make the most use of vertical square footage. Set aside stations for every type of storage that you need so that every area has a purpose. 

3. Decide on a Consistent Theme

When decorating a small space, you need to have a theme that is consistent and thorough. The last thing you’ll want is for every room to look completely different. 

You’ll create flow with your tiny home when you use the theme with some consistency. Some fun theme ideas to try out include:

  • Log homes and western themes
  • Modern and futuristic
  • Eco-friendly villas
  • Beach house themes
  • Re-purposes storage container style

Consider these themes so that you’re able to figure out what part of the style choices speaks most to your sensibilities. 

4. Create the Right Lighting Experience

If you’re going to decorate a small home, it’s important that you take care of your lighting situation. Lighting is the element that brightens up your space so that it’s as functional as it is decorative. 

Install skylights and large windows so that you have plenty of natural lighting in the home. This keeps with the eco-friendly practices and will help you save a lot of money on the upkeep. 

5. Determine Some Multi-Purpose Uses

Every step of the way, you need to make sure that you’re decorating your tiny home with pieces that serve a purpose. Invest in couches that fold out into beds, and decorative figures that also provide storage. 

Each component that you add to the home should also serve multiple purposes to account for the space that it’s taking up. 

Start Decorating a Tiny Home

The tips above will help you out when you’re interested in decorating a tiny home. Tiny homes can help you make the most of your money and living space, while also loving where you live. 

Start with these five points and check out our other posts related to real estate, construction, and more. 

By Manali