custom website - text in vintage letterpress printing blocks against a grunge metal sheet

Having a website is a must for businesses these days. Consumers make it a point today to search the internet for business information before purchasing. And when 75% of people consider website design as a trust factor for businesses, you need an amazing website to give a great impression.

However, creating a website is easier said than done. You’ll need to do things right if you want to launch a commercial website with success. Keep reading to learn the step-by-step process of building a business website.

Define Your Goal

The first step of creating a website is to figure out what you want it to do. Is it an information website informing users about a topic to convince them to buy? Or is it an eCommerce website that pushes people to product pages to make a purchase?

You need to understand your goal before you invest in web design and start building. This information will inform your choices and will help you create a better experience for your users.

Pick Your Software

You don’t need to write websites from scratch anymore. Now, countless website platforms allow you to get a site up and running quickly.

Look at your goals and find a website platform that offers everything you need. Something like WordPress works great if you want an informational website without many features.

If you play to sell products, you can add the WooCommerce plugin to WordPress. Otherwise, you can use a hosted eCommerce store like Shopify for the job.

Design Your Site

Even though it’s quick to set up a website these days, it does take some work to get a great design. One way you can do this is to look at theme marketplaces. You can quickly install a great-looking theme by clicking a few buttons and customizing things.

If you want to make a unique website, it makes sense to hire a web designer. A professional designer can create a unique design that you won’t find anywhere else. This is a great way to brand your website and give visitors a great impression.

Optimize for SEO

After completing the design, you’re ready to put some finishing touches on your site. A big way many companies get website visitors is to work on their website ranking on Google. You can do this by optimizing your website’s SEO.

You can do this by optimizing your meta information and creating keyword-rich content. A website with great local SEO will help Google understand your site and improve your chances of ranking in the search results.

Run User Tests

Launching your website immediately after you finish design and optimization is not wise. Even if you work with professionals on the design, your site will likely still have small issues.

You can do user tests yourself or get others to test your site. Your goal is to try your site on multiple browsers and screen sizes to make sure even part of the site works great.

You’re Ready to Start Building Your Commercial Website

A website can be a game changer for businesses of all sizes. It acts as a salesperson who’s always online and can take orders for you while you sleep.

However, you must do things right when you build a commercial website. Remember the advice above to create an amazing site to help you with business marketing.

Of course, you’ll need to keep working on your site if you want to make the most of it. Read more posts on the blog to learn how to increase website traffic.

By Manali