Farm blue barn shed and gravel driveway. Also dry chopped firewood logs in a pile. Northwes, USA

Did you know that a staggering 70 percent of small businesses in the United States of America don’t have an SEO strategy? If you’re interested in starting an SEO business then there is likely to be a massive market and tons of businesses that you can work with by driving more traffic to their websites. The importance of SEO cannot be overstated in a world where billions of people have internet access.

The benefits of SEO allow small businesses to reach broader audiences and grow their base of loyal customers with a bit of help from your SEO company. The good news is that you’ve found a wonderful resource for learning about the types of SEO and the steps to take in order to start your own company.

Keep reading to learn more today!

Find Your Niche

If you want to make it big with your SEO services then it’s a good idea to find your niche. Your SEO skills will apply to just about any industry that you can think of. It’s also your chance to learn about some different industries and help businesses in a sector that holds an appeal to you.

You’ll have a much easier time marketing your SEO services to small business owners after you’ve identified your niche. If you have a strong baseline knowledge of the legal industry, the tech industry, or the solar industry then you can combine that with your SEO skills to help small businesses in those areas.

The best way to find your niche is to find things that interest you and that you have a lot of knowledge on. That knowledge will help you bring the benefits of SEO to plenty of businesses worldwide. It’s a great way to use your existing skills to make a great living and be your own boss.

Build Your SEO Company Website

You’ll also need to get started with building a website for your SEO company if you want to provide SEO services to other businesses. Having your own website will add credibility to your business and give you the chance to show your skills to prospective clients. Make sure that your website carries a professional air to it that will impress these potential clients.

If you don’t have any website design experience then it’s a good idea to recruit an expert to help you out. From there, you can use your SEO skills to ensure that your SEO company’s website moves its way up the Google search rankings. A website like seojet offers a complete guide to help you make the most of SEO for your own website.

Determine Your Services

Another big step in starting an SEO business is to figure out the types of SEO services that you plan on providing. If you have skills in a number of areas when it comes to SEO then you can put together different service packages that provide value to your customers. Giving them options will help them determine the right path to take for growing their business at a good price point.

A good basic package should include optimizing the client’s website and providing them with keyword research. The right keywords will go a long way toward driving organic traffic to their website. You can also include a higher-end package that includes blog posts and social media help in addition to keyword research and site optimization.

From there, all that’s left to do is to determine what you’ll charge for these different packages. Don’t be afraid to break down the benefits of SEO to potential clients and the value that these services provide.

Reach Out to Potential Clients

So you’ve got your website and service packages set to go. Now the fun begins, as you’ll need to reach out to potential clients and offer them your SEO services for their websites. If your SEO skills are good with your own website then you should start getting inquiries organically in a short amount of time.

Even if you’re getting natural inquiries, it’s still a good idea to try cold-calling potential clients to sell them on the services that your SEO company provides. You might need a bit of sales experience to master cold-calling, but it’s a great way to speak with decision-makers about the benefits of SEO.

It’s also possible that you have an existing network of people that you can reach out to for referrals. Be patient with yourself when starting an SEO business and attracting new clients. Once you get a few clients signed up you’ll find that word will spread about your business in no time.

Spread Your Business

Providing great services is a sure way to help your business spread but you need to capitalize on it. Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your SEO company. You should also use your skills to write blog posts on your company website about the benefits of SEO and the types of SEO.

There are plenty of ways that you can make money off of your SEO skills and experience. Some experts choose to write books about the importance of SEO.

Optimize Your Strategy

After years in the SEO industry, odds are that you’ve found the strategies that work best for you. Use that knowledge to make your SEO company as successful and efficient as possible. If you find that you enjoy working with a particular type of client then start altering your strategy to work in that sector rather than others that you enjoy less.

Be Your Own Boss by Starting an SEO Business Today

If you have strong SEO skills and the will to be your own boss then starting an SEO business is a great way to make a living. You’ll need to hone your skills and find the niches that you enjoy working with, and you’ll need a professional website to build credibility. Spreading the word about the importance of SEO is a great way to grow your business and help others grow theirs.

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By Manali