A young child could get sick up to 30 times per year with various childhood illnesses. 

As a parent, it’s important to spot common childhood illnesses so you can get your child proper pediatric care. Many illnesses you can treat at home. But what are the most common childhood illnesses and how can you spot them?

Here are five important illnesses you need to be aware of. 

1. Common Cold

The common cold is one of the most prevalent childhood illnesses, catching anywhere from 6-to 8 colds per year. Symptoms consist of a runny nose, coughing, and sneezing. Children catch colds easily because the cold virus travels in the air. Colds are very contagious. 

Most of the time, colds need to run their course, anywhere from 7-10 days. However, if symptoms persist, you should contact a pediatrician like the ones at https://provopediatrics.com/.

2. Ear Infections

Ear infections are another common childhood illness because children’s ear tubes are not fully formed. Bacteria and fluid often block the tube resulting in infections and ear pain. Swimmer’s ear is another type of infection in which water becomes lodged in the ear canal. 

Younger children cannot vocalize their pain and may cry for long periods of time pulling on their ears. To clear up an ear infection, your pediatrician prescribes antibiotics which your child needs to take for 7-10 days. 

3. The Flu

The flu and the common cold often have overlapping symptoms, and it can be difficult to tell the two apart. While you do experience a runny nose, coughing, and congestion with a cold, with the flu, you may also have body aches, fever, shivering, headache, and fatigue. 

One way to distinguish the flu from a cold is getting a flu test from your pediatrician. Sometimes the flu causes complications in very young children, so you’ll want to watch your child closely for signs of difficulty breathing, lethargy, or a fever over 103 degrees

4. Stomach Virus

The stomach virus causes vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramping. It’s very easy for children to catch because the virus mutates in your intestinal tract. Since children put their hands and objects in their mouths, this is a common illness. 

The virus usually lasts about 24-48 hours and it’s important to keep children as hydrated as possible. If you notice your child not eating or they seem dehydrated, you’ll want to contact your pediatrician. 

5. Strep Throat

While sometimes a sore throat means a cold or the flu, sometimes it indicates strep throat. Strep throat is a throat infection caused by streptococcus bacteria and requires antibiotics. Your child may experience extreme sore throat, inability to swallow, and possible fever. 

Your pediatrician needs to perform a lab test to detect the presence of bacteria. Once you get the antibiotics, you’ll need to make sure your child takes the full round to clear the infection. 

Help For Childhood Illnesses

Childhood illnesses cause concern when they escalate to larger health problems. Most of the time, the illness resolves on its, but it’s always wise to keep an eye on your child for any problems. 

Do you want to learn more about how to keep your family healthy? Visit our health page today for more information. 

By Manali