Becoming a tattoo artist can be a rewarding career for anyone who is creative and has a love for tattoos. With 36% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 having at least one tattoo, you’re certainly going to have a steady supply of customers. That is, of course, if you’re good!

In this short guide on how to become a tattoo artist, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know to become a fully certified tattooist and stand out from the competition.

Learn How to Draw

Long before you start asking about the average tattoo artist salary, you’re going to need to know how to draw. A professional tattoo artist usually starts with a passion for art. They are usually talented artists who want to find a way to make a career from their art.

However, If you’ve decided that you want to pursue a career in tattooing, but you’re not sure of your artistic abilities then the first step is to learn how to draw.

You can start by taking art classes or even going to art college. Whatever you choose to do, it’s important to use this time to start building up a portfolio of your designs that you’ll need when you apply for an apprenticeship.

Follow Tattoo Artists on Social Media

A great way to hone your tattoo design skills in the preliminary stages of your career in tattooing is to look at trending tattooists on social media. This is a great way to get ideas for designs and to find the styles of tattoos that interest you.

You could even try your luck and reach out to tattooists and ask for advice to help you along on your journey.

Get an Apprenticeship

Once you’ve built up your portfolio and have a good idea of the kind of styles you want to work with, it’s time to get an apprenticeship.

An apprenticeship lasts between 1-3 years. During this time you’ll gain experience working in a tattoo shop and eventually, you’ll start to practice how to tattoo.

The most important aspect of the apprenticeship is the relationship with your mentor. This is the professional tattooist who will guide you on your journey.

When you’re ready to start looking for an apprenticeship, it’s important to find a tattooist with a good reputation. You should also find someone who already has experience mentoring.

You’re going to be working closely with your mentor throughout your apprenticeship so make sure you spend a little time getting to know them before you commit.

Get Your Tatoo License

Once your apprenticeship is complete it’s time to get your tattoo license. This process can be slightly different depending on your state. However, you’ll need to obtain training and certifications in blood-borne pathogens and disease prevention.

Once you have these it’s just a case of filling out a form and paying a fee. Then you’re good to start tattooing on your own!

Now You Know How to Become a Tattoo Artist

As you can see, learning how to become a tattoo artist is simple. The hard part is having the dedication and talent to stand out from your competition. The tattooists who make a name for themselves do so because they offer something unique.

If you think you have that creative edge then maybe it’s time to start pursuing a career in tattooing.

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By Manali