A recent study found that 25% of companies are looking to invest in SEO in 2022. 

If you’re looking to invest in SEO, you need to make sure your SEO strategy doesn’t lead to “keyword cannibalization.” If it does, you may end up with poor SEO results, and you might even lose your current rankings. 

This post will explain how this concept works and how you can avoid the issues associated with it. By the time you’ve finished this post, you’ll know how to fix keyword cannibalization issues before it’s too late. 

Let’s begin!

What Is Keyword Cannibalization?

To begin with, let’s try to answer the question, “what is keyword cannibalization?” 

Keyword cannibalization is basically when you have two or more pages that are going after the same keyword.

For instance, suppose you have a store that sells chairs. If you have two pages that are targeting the search term “wooden chairs,” you will have a cannibalization problem.

Upon finding cannibalization on your website, Google might think you’re trying to spam a keyword. Following this, they might demote your entire site, leading to low rankings across the board. 

How Can You Address This Issue? 

Now let’s go over a keyword cannibalization guide that’ll help you in regards to fixing keyword cannibalization. 

Right, so if you want to fix cannibalization, you need to review the pages and articles on your site to identify any relevant issues. If you find any duplicate pages, you’ll need to delete one of them. 

Note that this process isn’t something you do just one time, as you’ll want to repeat this activity every three months or so. If you repeat this process, you’ll be able to spot accidental duplicate article issues before it’s too late. 

In any case, another way you can avoid this issue is by improving your keyword research skills.

After all, if you know how to do keyword research, you’ll know how to find lots of good keywords. If you can do this, you won’t have to worry about targeting the same keyword twice. 

If you want to improve your keyword research skills, you should read a keyword research article. 

If you can, try to find a blog post that’s related to your niche. For example, if you’re in the CBD market, you should find a blog post that teaches you how to find CBD keywords.

An article like this will likely give you more actionable advice than a generic keyword research post. 

Will You Use the Advice in This Post?

Now that you’ve completed this article, you should know how to fix keyword cannibalization. 

Of course, this advice is only going to help you if you put it into action. If you just sit on this knowledge, you might end up running into this issue, and that could then set your progress back by quite a bit. 

As a result, make sure you act on this information so that you can get ahead of the problem, and maintain your current rankings. 

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By Manali