More than 14.6 million residential properties are at risk of costly flood damage in the US alone. Worse, over 40% of that isn’t on standard Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps.

Scientists are also projecting even more flooding in the next 30 years. They also estimate that climate change alone can increase the cost of its aftermath by 26%.

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent the damage brought about by flooding. Read on, as we’ll tell you all about them below.

Flood-Proof Your Basement

Because your basement is the lowest section of your home, it’s also the most flood-prone area. Its location makes it easy for groundwater, flash floods, and drain backups to enter it. Go here if you’d like to learn more about these causes of basement flooding.

You can prevent flooding damage in the basement by sealing its cracks and holes. Then, apply water-proof coating on all surfaces, including the walls, floors, and ceilings. It can help repel external water while also preventing indoor water seepage.

Install Flood Vents

Also called flood ports, flood vents are permanent openings in walls that allow water to pass in and out. They help reduce the flood’s hydrostatic pressure that can damage walls and foundations.

The best installation locations for flood vents are foundation walls and garages. You can also install them in an unconditioned crawl space.

Invest in a Sewer Backflow Valve

One milliliter of wastewater can already contain millions of bacteria. Many are pathogenic germs, including E. coli, Legionella, and Salmonella.

Unfortunately, flooding can also result in sewage and wastewater entering your home. Such can happen if you live in a flood area with clogged sewer systems. The floodwater can overtax the sewer pipes, forcing sewage to back up your drains.

A sewer backflow valve can prevent that by shutting and sealing your sewer lateral. It does that automatically if sewage from a clogged public sewer backs up your main drain.

Mind Your Yard

Whether or not you live in a flood zone, ensure your yard slopes away from your home. The incline can drive the rainwater that falls closest to your home outward and into the street. It also acts as a shield, helping block floodwater from entering your home.

Just as important, though, is to ensure you have adequate and clog-free yard drains. Remove obstructions clogging their openings, such as garden debris and garbage. Otherwise, floodwater can’t drain into them; instead, it might flow into your home.

Make Exterior Walls Water-Resistant

Use a high-quality filling compound to patch holes and seal cracks in your external walls. Then, sand away any excess hardened filler. Ensure the treated areas are thoroughly dry before applying water-proofing materials.

Fasten Yard Items

Two feet of floodwater is enough to carry a car away, so imagine what it can do to lighter objects such as bikes. You can either lose them forever or worse, see them crashing into your home and causing more damage. Therefore, it’s vital to attach unsecured yard items to permanent structures.

Prevent Flood Damage With These Tips

Remember: An inch of floodwater can already cause $25,000 in flood damage to your home. That should be enough reason to flood-proof your home as soon as possible. The sooner you do, the more preventive strategies you can implement to protect your home.

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By Manali