Starting or growing a family dental practice largely depends on how well you’re able to spread the word with digital marketing. Many dentists have cracked the code with annual billings for specialists just shy of $1 million

In this article, we give you several best practices for how to get there. Let’s begin! 

Promote Reviews and Testimonials

Perhaps the most effective marketing strategy is to let others do it for you. Start with your customers or circle of friends who are using you for dental work. 

Ask them to leave reviews on sites like Facebook, Google My Business, and Yelp. Syndicate a feed of your reviews from all over the web and pump them into your site. The more positivity you can show off, the better.

Keep An Active Blog

Another digital marketing step to take is blogging. Target blogs to your area of expertise. As a family dental practice, that means the key questions and concerns that your customers are having. 

Building a library of content that talks about things like preventative care, procedures you offer and the purpose behind them, and what to do in the event of a dental emergency will establish you as an authority and help your SEO.

Think Local With SEO

On the topic of SEO, keep your customer base in mind on as granular of a level as possible when optimizing. Don’t just aim for dental-specific keywords. 

Find ways to localize them. Competition for local SEO is not as fierce as it is with ones that are specific to topics. Local SEO is a great way to get organic traffic without a lot of capital outlay. 

Make CTAs Easy To Find 

CTAs are calls to action. Every page of your site, your email marketing messages, your social media posts. Everything you do should give your audience a way to find you.

Additionally, it needs to have motivation. You’ll find that it’s easy to motivate your audience to take the action you need them to take if you spend time studying who they are and why they need services like yours.

Establish An Omnichannel Online Presence

Your website performance is contingent on more than just what happens at your domain. You need to be in more than one place.

Secure your social media handles. All the ones where you plan to be active anyway. Start posting every day. 

Use them to channel people to your website and build an email list. Being present in more than one place will help establish you with a wider audience.

Go Niche-Specific When Outsourcing

Last but not least, realize you can’t do it all by yourself. That’s especially true as you start to grow. You’ll need to start outsourcing the elements of your SEO and digital marketing game that are taking too much time away from your core practices.

Don’t just outsource to anyone, though. Check to ensure they have experience in your field, so there’s less of a learning curve. You can view here to see what a dental marketing provider can deliver.

Use These Tips to Build a Family Dental Practice That Is Sustainable

To build a family dental practice that is sustainable, you need a strong web presence. Drilling into your niche, optimizing for location, and creating a motivated audience through diverse ways to connect and calls to action will help get you there. For more digital marketing tips and articles, be sure to check out some of our additional posts.

By Manali