Do you have all the right types of laboratory equipment in your lab?

If you are starting a new laboratory or remodeling, you must know which laboratory equipment you should have. The list may differ according to the certain function and needs of your laboratory. However, there is a piece of standard equipment that any laboratory requires.

So, read on to learn some of the different equipment you may need in your laboratory.

Laboratory Safety Equipment

The first regulation of any laboratory is to be safe. However, most people often ignore safety protocols and laboratory disinfection, which puts them in danger. The best thing you could do is to make sure you follow all safety procedures at all times.

Laboratory safety equipment includes:

  • Safety goggles
  • Eyewash station
  • Safety gloves
  • Chemical fume hoods
  • Lab coats
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Fire blankets
  • First aid kits
  • Safety shower cubicle

Not wearing safety equipment in a lab can put you in danger in case of an accident or emergency. For example, you can go blind without wearing goggles if a droplet of acid splashes off the container during science experiments.


Beakers are tools for blending chemicals, dissolving solutions, and cooling or heating liquids. Other beakers are wide-mouthed along a flat base with a beak-shaped nozzle for easier usage. Nonetheless, some beakers are even available in a test tube form.

Pipettes and Burettes

Pipettes and burettes are pretty thin tubes to transfer smallish amounts of liquid. Both equipment uses are to distribute an exact amount of liquid. A burette has a stopcock at the base, while a pipette usually functions on a dropper to discharge fluid.

Bottles and Funnels

When you’re working on experiments with liquids, bottles and funnels are necessary. These bottles and funnels are often narrow-mouthed for easy use in pouring fluids. They are also both available in glasses and plastics.

Test Tubes

A test tube is a glass tube with one end open and the other closed and rounded. Furthermore, test tubes uses are for qualitative comparison and assessment in biochemistry labs. For instance, a science student uses test tubes for many samples to test and compare various components, acids, and other liquids.

Conical Flask

This equipment is handy when shaking or stirring the fluids without having any spillages. It also has a tiny opening that expands towards the base. The conical flash can also function for heating purposes by hooking it onto a ring stand.

Graduated Cylinders

A graduated cylinder is a primary measuring instrument for the amount of a liquid. There are many labeling up and down the size of the receptacle with precise increments.

Graduated cylinders have many different sizes and have vital uses for many types of science experiments. The lesser their diameter, the more exact the volume measurements can be.

Update Your Laboratory Equipment

Laboratory equipment refers to different tools for laboratory use in performing various tasks. To guarantee safety and conduct an experiment, it’s vital to know the types and uses of lab equipment.

Ready to learn more about the laboratory and types of science? Then, consider checking out our guides for useful tips and information!

By Manali