Experts say the global construction industry will be worth $10.5 trillion by next year!

Although construction is necessary for building vital infrastructure, the sector continues to boom due to the different construction products, tools, and equipment available.

Just what are those products that keep the sector going? Let’s look at some construction essentials you’ll find at almost every worksite.

Construction Tools

It doesn’t matter what the project is, workers need basic construction tools. These include:

  • Allen Keys
  • Hammers
  • Pliers
  • Screwdrivers
  • Screws and nails
  • Spirit level
  • Tape measure
  • Wrenches

Think of the items you would find in your trusty home toolbox. Construction sites use those same tools daily, even when working on massive projects.

While workers won’t manually put in every nail or screw, the basics still come in handy.

For example, it’s common for workers to use power tools, like a nail gun or power drill. But if these tools because faulty or need troubleshooting, having the basics on hand cuts down on wasted time.

Most construction workers wear a belt that holds these tools for easy use.

Concrete Mixer

A concrete mixer provides fresh concrete at any worksite. It’s a low-cost tool that only needs cement, water, and an aggregate (like gravel or sand) to operate.

The rotating reservoir barrel will turn gently for hours to keep the concrete soft and fresh.

You’ve probably seen huge concrete trucks outside a construction site before. They operate the same way as a smaller, portable concrete mixer.

Regardless of size, most construction sites need concrete, so having a concrete mixer is essential.

Magnetic Locator

Ground penetrating radar services are essential for any excavation or digging project. Ground penetrating radars are tools that find underground objects like plumbing pipes, so excavators know what areas to avoid with destructive machinery. As the name suggests, it uses radar to measure distortion and irregularities in the ground composition.

Surveyors, excavators, and underground construction workers often use different forms of underground penetrating radars like magnetic locators to identify objects while working in the soil.

The Underground Magnetics MAG 9 locator is one such state-of-the-art device to invest in. It allows Sub kHz frequencies for a performance of up to 30 ft depth in 0.325 kHz.

But it can change to frequencies of up to 41 kHz, which allow a depth and distance range of up to 150 feet! So it’s one of the best construction tools when working underground.

Safety Gear

Of course, there are a variety of necessary construction tools. But don’t forget about safety gear. Construction sites are dangerous, and workers are prone to injury.

Plus, OSHA requires workers have access to construction safety equipment and training. Skimping on safety gear could mean getting in trouble with the law.

Some standard pieces of safety equipment are:

  • Earplugs
  • Gloves
  • Googles
  • Hard hat
  • Mask
  • Non-slip, puncture-proof footwear

These pieces of equipment are non-negotiable when it comes to OSHA regulations.

The eyes, ears, head, hands, respiratory system, and feet are most likely to be injured during construction. Thus, they require constant protection.

Learn About More Construction Products

These are just a select few of the many construction products available. There are so many other tools to learn about that are vital to the industry.

To learn more about different construction equipment, head over to the Construction tab on your righthand side.

By Manali