In the United States, more than 11 million adults have pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. And although this pain is sometimes the result of an injury, the discomfort often begins for no apparent reason. 

Doctors believe that TMJ is the result of genetic, psychological, and lifestyle factors, which is why so many people experience this disorder at some point in their lifetime. 

No matter the cause of your pain, it’s important to see a professional so you can relieve it. In this post, you’ll get familiar with TMJ dental treatment options, so keep reading for more information! 

Understanding TMJ Symptoms

If a medical professional hasn’t diagnosed your TMJ yet, it’s important to understand the symptoms so you can seek dental treatment. Here are some of the most common signs.

  • Pain or tenderness in your jaw or face when speaking or chewing
  • Difficulty opening your mouth wide or chewing
  • A jaw that gets stuck or “locked”
  • Clicking, popping, or grinding sounds in the jaw
  • Swelling on the side of your face

Remember that these symptoms can appear for a short amount of time or last months or even years. 

TMJ Treatment Options

Nowadays, there are many different approaches to TMJ treatment, including surgeries and therapy. However, doctors typically use the following methods before recommending surgical intervention. Of course, the recommendations will depend on each patient’s symptoms and TMJ causes. 


If your TMJ pain is severe, the dentist may prescribe stronger anti-inflammatory medications for a limited time. And, since TMJ is sometimes the result of stress, anxiety, or tension, they may even recommend Tricyclic antidepressants. In other cases, muscle relaxers can treat spasms that cause TMJ. 


If you tend to grind your teeth in your sleep, your dentist will fit you for a nightguard. This plastic mouthpiece fits over your upper and lower sets of teeth and prevents them from making contact. And, they put your teeth in the correct position, which reduces the effects of clenching or grinding your teeth.

Yet, if you grind your teeth during the day, not just in your sleep, your dentist will likely recommend a splint, which works similarly. 

Dental Work

If your bite is uneven, your dentist will likely recommend some dental treatments to correct your alignment issues, including: 

  • Braces
  • Crowns
  • Bridges

Aligning your teeth not only improves their appearance but also eases grinding and clenching. And, it gives you an even surface on which to chew. 

Of course, if you are seeking dental care for TMJ, you should be sure to find a dentist who specializes in this area, such as

Relieve Your Symptoms with the Best TMJ Dental Treatment!

After reading this post, you better understand the most common TMJ dental treatment options that dentists offer today. First, of course, you’ll need to visit a local dentist to find out which treatment is best for you. So, be sure to schedule an appointment soon so you can find relief and ease your TMJ pain! 

If you’d like to know more health and fitness tips, browse this section of interesting posts on our website! 

By Manali