Did you know a lot of people need to improve their spine health? If you want to learn about the benefits of decompression therapy, we can help.

In this guide, we’ll go over spinal traction and why some people will undergo this treatment. You’ll learn about the potential results and who will get spinal traction.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

Why Should You Deal With Spine Pain?

People with chronic neck or back pain will have a hard time focusing on work. The pain will make someone’s daily life challenging. You might feel burdened and unable to complete simple tasks.

If you suffer from pain, you should consider looking into alternative pain management treatments. You could get traction therapy, specifically for your spine.

Work With a reputable chiropractor who has experience completing these kinds of therapies.

What Causes Spine Problems

Pressure and pain in your lower back get caused by different issues. These issues include muscle strain or nerve compression.

Chiropractors will figure out the source behind the lumbar pain or pressure. You can prescribe a treatment. Address the root and the symptoms behind the discomfort.

Lumbar traction is a healing process to help people overcome pain and discomfort. The chiropractor will manipulate the lower back and begin stretching the spine. This will help result in a steady and slow decompression process.

Chiropractors use lumbar traction to help treat different back pain causes and symptoms. To find out if this is a solution for you, talk to your chiropractor. They could go over your particular situation and explain the potential benefits.

What Will a Spinal Traction Do?

Spinal traction will stretch the spine and take pressure off the compressed discs. Relief from the force will straighten your spine and improve your body’s ability to heal.

People who have spinal issues will have improved health from this therapy. The traction will reverse the force of gravity.

Spinal traction helps people with pinched nerves, bone spurs, and herniated discs.

Common Side Effects

Spinal traction can cause more pain sometimes. People with osteoporosis or cancer shouldn’t try traction therapy.

Spinal traction can also cause muscle spasms. Doctors understand this could happen either after or before therapy.

How Does The Traction Get Administered?

Spinal traction therapy will get administered mechanically or manually. But this will depend on your particular needs.

You could try manual spinal traction. The physical therapist will use their hands to put people in a state of traction.

The therapist will use force on your muscles and joints. They want to begin widening the space between vertebrae.

There’s also mechanical spinal traction. You will lay on a table. The table has unique tools to help lengthen the spine.

A therapist will attach slings, pulleys, and ropes to your body. Then begin mechanically relieving pressure.

How Can You Prepare?

Spinal traction will work as an enhancement alongside other therapies. Before you undergo spinal traction, speak with your doctor to begin a plan.

A doctor might recommend at-home exercises before you get the spinal traction.

What Occurs After Spinal Traction?

Combat the effects of gravity. Spinal traction stretches the bones and muscles in the back. The results include proper spinal alignment, decompressed joints, and pain relief.

This will improve the way you feel and move during the day.

To help other physical therapies, people find the spinal traction successful. Treatment will reduce pain. The body can heal itself after spinal traction. People need spinal traction therapy for a period.

Traction Tips

Traction refers to when a fractured or dislocated body part gets gently pulled. This occurs by using weights, pulleys, and ropes. The tools will apply some light force to the damaged region’s tissues.

Traction gets used to reduce the pain of a fracture before surgery. Traction will realign and stabilize a broken leg or arm.

You can treat bone deformities caused by conditions like scoliosis. Correct constricted and stiff muscles. You’ll also want to look at joints, skin, tendons.

Make sure you assess the effects on symptoms. You should try to remain relaxed when the chiropractor applies traction. The muscle that guard

Aftercare And Things To Learn 

Traction is part of a patient’s plan of care. The therapist will teach you about body mechanics, exercises, and self-traction.

You should get pain management techniques and learn how to perform them at home. 

What About Health Care Team Roles?

The doctor will refer the patient to physical therapy for conservative treatment of back pain or neck pain. The therapist will make a decision about the appropriate plan of care.

The therapist will figure out the specifications for traction, and set up the patient. You might need to get future treatments as well. 

Prepare For The Therapy

You should spend time preparing for this kind of therapy. Receive a full evaluation and make sure you can get the therapy. You should also uncover any potential contraindications to traction.

You’ll also want a professional to assess the effects it has on your symptoms. Check out Dody Chiropractic.

Will You Get Spinal Traction?

We hope this guide on spinal traction was helpful. Consider if this is a treatment you will consider to manage your chronic pain. Find a reputable chiropractor who can assess your particular situation.

You should talk about the potential side effects that could occur after the treatment.

Do you need more health tips? We have many resources on the blog for you to check out today. Keep learning about ways you can boost your well-being. 

By Manali