Real estate or property investment.

It’s important to get more bookings, because we know how hard it can be to get your property booked.

Your short-term rental property should be in a city and area with a high influx of tourists. One such city is Islamabad and you can invest in Tab City to have a place that’ll be never short of bookings.

Ways to get booking for short term rental property

If you’re looking for ways to increase the number of bookings for your short term rental property, here are some ideas.

Check your listing description

You don’t want your guests to arrive and discover they’re in the wrong place, so make sure you include all the information they need to know. To do this, take a look at your listing description and see if there’s anything missing. 

Mention special features of your property such as its location or size. Provide information about nearby hospitals, resturants, attractions and, public transportation options.

Easy check-in process

Make it easy for guests to check in. Make sure the check-in instructions are clear and easy to follow. You’ll want to include everything from where your guest should park, whether there are any stairs or elevator facility available in your property.

If you offer any amenities such as Wi-Fi access or parking passes, make sure those benefits come with specific instructions on how best to use them at check-in time

Reviews from past guests

The reviews you get from past guests are a key part of the booking process. Guests look for reviews before they book a short term rental property, so it’s essential to have them on your website.

Reviews can be a big factor in getting bookings, but only if you do what it takes to make sure that those reviews are accurate and fair. 

Up to date calendar

The most important thing you can do to keep your calendar up to date is to review it regularly. Make sure that you have enough availability on your calendar, and don’t forget that other people may need the same dates for their own businesses.

You’ll want to make sure that if someone needs a property on a certain date, there is at least one available for them.

They could be disappointed when they reach out and find out that their preferred option is unavailable.

Optimize your photos

Make sure your photos are high quality. Make sure they’re well lit. Make sure they’re well composed and show off the best of what you have to offer in terms of location, amenities, etc.

Use Smart Pricing tool

The Smart Pricing tool allows you to see how much your listings are costing per night in comparison with other properties that have similar amenities or locations. 

You can also see what types of hosts are most successful at driving bookings through their listings. This information can help you make sure that your property is competitive in terms of pricing so people will choose it over other options available in the area.


For your property to get booked make sure your property is clean and well-maintained. This will make your guests feel comfortable.That means being responsive.

Be responsive in keeping things up-to-date on your calendar so guests know when they can expect check-in time. 

Have an attractive website with photos of the inside of your home so potential tenants know what they’re getting themselves into before booking it

By Manali