Grease tap

A grease trap is a device that is installed in a kitchen drainage system in order to capture and prevent greasy wastewater from entering the public sewer system. The main purpose of a grease trap is to remove FOGs (fats, oils, and grease) from the wastewater before it enters the public sewer system. Grease traps are usually installed as part of a restaurant’s or commercial kitchen’s plumbing infrastructure. If you have a grease trap, it is important to keep it clean. Otherwise, you could face a number of consequences. For one, your grease trap could become overwhelmed and back up, causing a mess in your kitchen. Additionally, a dirty grease trap can attract pests and can even lead to health code violations. To avoid these issues, be sure to clean your grease trap on a regular basis. Keep reading to learn more about the consequences of not cleaning a grease trap.

What are the risks associated with not cleaning a grease trap?


There are many risks associated with not cleaning a grease trap, the most notable being that the grease will eventually overflow and cause clogs in the pipes. This can lead to sewage backups and even flooding in your business. In addition, an overflowing grease trap can create a fire hazard as the hot grease will come into contact with other flammable materials. The consequences of not cleaning it can be very serious. If FOGs are allowed to accumulate, they will solidify and block the flow of wastewater through the trap and into the public sewer system. This can cause backups and spills within the restaurant or commercial kitchen, and it can also lead to overflows and pollution in the public sewer system. In addition, failure to clean it on a regular basis can result in an increase in food odors emanating from the restaurant or commercial kitchen. In addition, FOGs can corrode pipes and create environmental hazards.

How often should it be cleaned?

The National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) recommends that restaurants have their grease traps cleaned every two weeks. However, many businesses do not comply with this recommendation, often with disastrous consequences. In March 2016, an illegal dump site in Queens caused a major sewage spill when its contents flowed into a creek that feeds into Newtown Creek—a tributary of the East River. The spill was traced back to an Italian restaurant whose grease trap had not been cleaned for months. More than 100,000 gallons of raw sewage spilled into the creek, killing fish and other aquatic life. In December 2017, another major sewage spill occurred in Queens when a backup at a restaurant’s grease trap sent sludge flowing into area streets and homes. This time, the restaurant was fined $24,000 for violating city regulations. These are just two examples of what can happen when businesses don’t clean their grease traps regularly. Ultimately, it’s everyone’s responsibility to ensure that these devices are kept clean—businesses owners, employees, and customers alike.

Are there professionals that offer grease trap services?


A professional cleaner can clean a grease trap by pumping the contents out and then hosing down the inside of the trap. There are plenty of grease trap services available. But your best bet is to find a top-rated company that has high ratings and plenty of positive reviews. Go online and search up “grease trap cleaning” to find the best options in your area.

Overall, the consequences of not cleaning a grease trap can be significant. Grease and food debris can build up in the trap and can cause plumbing problems, such as a clogged sewer line. Additionally, the smell of rotting food can be unpleasant and can attract pests. It is important to clean the grease trap on a regular basis to avoid these problems.

By Manali