Gynecomastia may look like a mouthful, but I assure you it is not as scary as it sounds. It is a medical condition that causes an increase in the size of the breast tissue in men. It can be caused by puberty, use of steroids, hormonal surges, and some medications. Some men have surgeries to have it removed. Let’s get into everything you need to know before having a Gynecomastia surgery. Also, see here for a leading gynecomastia surgeon.

  • Surgery is not usually necessary 

Most Gynecomastia cases are usually a result of puberty or the side effects of certain drugs. You should also know that even newborns can have Gynecomastia. Therefore, taking the surgical approach is not usually the best option for you. Instead, trace the cause and address it with exercises or accept your body. Gynecomastia usually resolves itself within six months to about two years with a healthy diet. 

  • Going ahead with the surgery 

Gynecomastia surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery, therefore, it may not be the same for every patient. After consulting an experienced cosmetic surgeon, the surgeon would determine what should be done for you to achieve your desired look. It may involve liposuction, skin removal, or trying to achieve a symmetrical appearance if one breast looks bigger than the other. 

  • Insurance 

Since Gynecomastia surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery, it may not be covered by your insurance provider. You may have to pay the bills for your surgery with your own money. These surgeries do not usually come cheap. You can find other convenient financing options you qualify for if you are seriously going for the surgery. 

Note: You should note that your insurance can help you cover the cost of your surgery if you can prove that it will make your health and life better. You should also contact your insurance provider to enquire about how the process works. 

  • Choosing the right surgeon 

So you get the best care possible when having your Gynecomastia surgery, you should make sure that you employ the services of a good surgeon. You must make sure that your surgeon is board-certified, and have a lot of experience when it comes to treating Gynecomastia. With all these qualities, you would know you are in the hands of a good surgeon. 

  • Contraindications 

Some medical conditions are easily mistaken for Gynecomastia like breast cancer and obesity. Make sure your surgeon performs all the necessary tests to rule out other causes of your breasts getting bigger. Also, some circumstances would indicate that some procedures should not be taken. Having heart or lung problems may suggest that alternative forms of stations should be used during surgery or even try other forms of treatment. 

  • Other treatment options 

Before going ahead with having surgery to remove your Gynecomastia, you should know that there are other treatment options available to you. These treatment options depend on how serious your condition is. Other treatments available include testosterone replacement therapy, home remedies, or proper exercises.

By Manali