A recent study from UNC Charlotte suggests that 60% of burglars plan their home invasion less than 24 hours before they attempt to break in. Further, 83% look for a residential security alarm first, and if they see one, they will give up, likely moving on to the next home.

Not only does a home security system protect your home and deter burglars, but it also gets you a reduction in your home insurance premiums. Plus, you get peace of mind with security systems.

If you know it is about time that you purchase a residential security system to protect your property, you are likely wondering which one to purchase. There are many types of security options to choose from on the market.

There are some major factors to consider. Grab a pen and paper and keep reading. We will tell you exactly what you need to consider when selecting the best residential security system for you.

1. What Is Your Goal?

Would you like to prevent burglars from entering your house, or do you want to catch the criminal in the act? Maybe you would be happy with both scenarios.

Some residential security systems will set off a loud alarm should a burglar enter a window or door. This can deter them, and they will leave, or you could catch the burglar as they are entering your home. If you do not catch the criminal, you may have an image of them from a camera.

Think about what it is you plan to achieve should a burglar attack.

2. Are You Planning to Move?

If you purchase a residential security system, it is important that it is one you can relocate with if you are planning to move. The alarm company may have a relocation kit they can give you. If not, they may give you the same equipment with a renewed contract for your new home.

There is special residential security equipment you could buy if you are looking to flip your home. You can find out more here. 

3. Wireless or Cellular

A thorough security system involves a wireless set-up and cellular monitoring, too. This is how you can choose a security system that is not at risk of an outage. Also, burglars can cut wires if they see them, and even break into the system.

4. Professional Installation or Do-It-Yourself

You could DIY if you are handy, and you will save money. However, you will need to know how to hang the residential security equipment, connect it to a landline or cellular network, and troubleshoot. If you have concerns about installing it yourself, look for a professional to help you.

5. How Is the Security System Company’s Customer Service?

Before you purchase your residential security system, find out what happens when you have a question. Is there a hotline or a live chat? Can you email them?

Get a sense of how long it will take you to get answers when you have questions. Consider checking customer reviews online. See what others are saying about the security system.

Protect Your Home With a Residential Security System

Now that you know the five factors to consider when choosing a residential security system, grab that paper and pen. Write what it is you want to get out of it. Then, begin your research to find the security system that will meet your needs.

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By Manali