Did you know that more than 70 million people suffer from alcohol dependency or addiction?

Alcohol is one of the world’s most accessible and socially acceptable drugs. This makes it challenging to understand the boundaries between healthy alcohol consumption and problematic drinking.

There are all sorts of alcohol-related disorders: heavy drinking, binge drinking, alcoholism, functional alcoholism, and more. Some critical differences between these determine whether you need to take action.

Don’t let alcohol hold you back or ruin your health and relationships. Educate yourself and take action.

So, heavy drinker vs. alcoholic – what’s the difference, and does it matter? Read on to find out the answers.

What Is Heavy Drinking?

Heavy drinking is classed as having more than eight drinks a week for a woman. Men can drink fifteen drinks per week before it’s classified as heavy drinking.

Although chronic heavy drinking is problematic, a week of heavy drinking isn’t always an issue. For example, many people drink to excess while on holiday, but this wouldn’t make them a heavy drinker if they return to lesser consumption once they’re home.

However, don’t be complacent about heavy drinking. Over time, it will have a significant impact on your health and finances.

What Is Alcoholism?

Alcoholism is a severe form of alcohol abuse; it causes harm to your health, relationships, and finances. If you often suffer an intense and often uncontrollable desire to drink, you may have a problem with alcoholism.

Whereas some alcoholics are easy to identify, many functional alcoholics go undetected in society (what is a functioning alcoholic?).

What Help Is Available?

Regardless of whether you’re an alcoholic or heavy drinker, there’s help available. Everyone deserves to live a life that isn’t dictated by alcohol.

If you’re a heavy drinker, but you feel like you’re in control of your intake, make a conscious effort to cut down. Several free apps help you track and reduce your intake.

If you’re still unsure about heavy drinking vs. alcoholism, definitely visit your doctor and speak to them about the issue.

However, if you’re suffering from alcoholism, you’ll need specialist support. ‘Willpower’ may not be enough to break this addiction at this stage.

Begin by visiting your doctor. Then, it’s a good idea to get professional support in a specialist facility. Remember that detoxing without support can be dangerous, so make sure you don’t try to quit at home.

A rehab facility will be fully equipped to help you get sober and give you the psychiatric support that you need to stay sober after discharge.

Heavy Drinker vs. Alcoholic: The Differences Explained

Heavy drinker vs. alcoholic – now you know the differences. Whether you’re educating yourself about your own alcohol consumption or worried about someone else, know that help is available.

Whether it’s cutting down on intake or going sober, everyone can recover from alcohol issues.

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By Manali