Whether your cherished mother and father have a notable wedding anniversary that is fast approaching, a sibling who is about to ‘come of age’ or your best friend is expecting a baby, there is no better way to show how loved and appreciated they are than a surprise party.

With this in mind, continue reading to learn how to throw the most amazing surprise party without exploding with stress and breaking the bank. 

  • Decide Upon a Theme

You can’t really have a surprise party without at least some semblance of a theme, and it is entirely up to you and the other party planners as to how far you decide to take it.

If you are committed to a theme, be that a Hawaiian one, Superheroes or even Harry Potter characters, then source table décor, invitations and fancy-dress costumes; just don’t forget to buy an extra costume for the surprised VIP to change into. 

  • Choose a Location

Obviously, when planning a surprise party, location is exceedingly important, and unless you are going to blindfold your loved one, the exterior of the building you choose to hold the party in shouldn’t be overtly indicative of a party location

Additionally, make sure to choose a venue that will suit the number of guests you intend to invite; for a more intimate dinner, naturally a room for hire in a local restaurant would suffice, but for a larger party, you need to think much bigger. Private party venues are great options.

  • Use Social Media for Invitations

One of the supreme benefits of the internet is that social media platforms enable instant and entirely free communication with friends, family members and other loved ones, and when you are organizing a surprise party, social media is king!

Create a private group that contains every single guest you would like to invite, and make sure that everyone has seen the invite and responded within the group in plenty of time. Additionally, you can also use your secret social media group to check on everyone’s allergies and dietary requirements if you intend to serve food, or hire caterers, for the party.

  • Source Decorations in Plenty of Time

When it comes to party decorations, you are going to find you spend far more money if you leave decoration shopping to the last moment, you will end up spending a lot more money.

Instead, as soon as you have confirmed you will be throwing a surprise party for your loved one, start looking in dollar shops and other cheaper stores for relevant and themed décor and decorations and if you are somewhat of a self-described crafting expert, you could even have a look at making your own. 

  • Plan the Surprise Thoroughly

There are obviously many ways to transport the VIP guest to their own surprise party, but it seems to be the case that successful surprises are always more effective and less likely to unravel when there is another person, in on the surprise, with the VIP at all times.

A simple idea would be to let the special guest believe they are off for a dinner with their partner, mom or close family member and walk into the venue naturally. 

By Manali