No doubt that the loss of your father has left you with the most traumatic pain. His loss from your life changes you and abruptly impacts your life. You would feel that you have lost all your strength and reason to live. Losing your parents is an agonizing and universal experience that everyone had to go through. Yet, this fact doesn’t help in either way to lower your grief. It’s an emotionally difficult time for every child. Suffering from such excruciating pain that it might indelibly affect them both physically and emotionally.
You might want to say a lot of things and sometimes you might also want to be silent and utter no words. You might want to cry out loud and at one time you might need time for yourself to think. Mourning is normal when you are in extreme pain. You can express your grief in whichever way you feel like and it’s okay to express yourself and share your feelings with your close ones.
I know the pain you are going through can’t be resolved completely but you can try not to give up on everything you have. So, here are a few ways enlisted below which would suggest to you how to cope up with your loss. I hope you find it helpful.
1. Gather the courage to face your feelings. Feeling of loss or anger would get stronger and stronger if left unexpressed or untreated. Hiding and neglecting your feelings will put you in misery. Your long-term grieving will trigger your brain and you might put yourself at risk.
So, expressing your sorrow without feeling ashamed might do great for you. Your friends are out there to support you in such hard times. You can talk to them freely. Their sincere condolence is always with you. Also, you can try meditation. Meditation helps heal your soul and helps you understand your emotions.
Sometimes it’s better to find another place where meaningful words would contribute to your healing. Reading the condolence message on the death of the father would help you process your grief and can prove good for you.
2. For once in a lifetime, you might have wanted your father to be away from you or you might be sad with him for bad parenting. And today with his loss, you find yourself cursing for being bitter with him and giving him hard times. Trust me, all these thoughts will do no good in your healing. It will only lower your self-esteem.
Burdening yourself with such thoughts drag you more towards your pain. Forgiving yourself might relieve you. When you would recognize that things can’t be changed in the past, you would be able to free yourself from the regret you have inside.
3. Remember your family is grieving too. Their days are gloomy as yours. You need to support your family and with them. Instead of keeping yourself isolated, you can offer your helping hand to your family. Understanding their need for hours also helps you realize your responsibility towards your family.
4. After such a transformative event, your vision towards your life and ability to see things have changed. Accepting your changes within you and to your surroundings. Rather than saddening over your loss, try to enjoy your precious and happy memories with your father.
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