Scientist consulting information on the computer of the periodic table of elements / researcher working on the digital tablet data of the chemical element Radon Rn

The residential real estate market has seen a combination of low inventory and high sale prices this year. It’s a trend that looks like it’ll carry on this year.

Even in a hot market though, selling a home isn’t a sure bet. Buyers still bring all of their expectations into the process.

Your home must meet those expectations or exceed them for a prompt sale. One of the things you might consider going into the sales process is radon gas testing.

Not familiar with radon gas or testing for it? Keep reading for our quick guide to what it is and why it matters.

What Is Radon Gas?

Many people don’t realize it, but uranium is often found in soil and rocks. The amounts are usually small, but measurable.

As that uranium breaks down over time, it releases radon gas. That means radon can find its way into your home from the surrounding soil, building materials, or even that custom granite countertop.

Since uranium breaks down very slowly, the total amount of radon gas can increase in your home over time.

What Is Radon Gas Testing?

The goal of radon testing is twofold.

Its first goal is the simple detection of radon in your home. The second goal is a measurement of the amount of radon in the air by volume. The measurement is typically in pCi/L or picocuries per liter.

According to EPA recommendations, you should look for professional help if the levels rise above 2 pCi/L.

There are two main methods of testing for radon. You can get a home radon testing kit. You can also look for professional radon testing services like Guardian Inspections.

Home testing kits do a decent job of alerting you to the presence of radon, but they don’t typically provide specific measurements. You need professional testing for the exact pCi/L.

Why It Matters

So why does it matter? Radon gas is carcinogenic and has been linked with lung cancer. It also cuts into the air quality in your home.

Beyond that, radon testing is often a part of home inspections. Some potential buyers may back out and look for a house without a radon problem. Others may want a better price on the house, even if you get the problem fixed.

In either case, it adds complications to the selling process that neither you nor potential buyers want to worry about.

Get Radon Gas Testing

The last thing you want is radon gas testing revealing a problem during a home inspection. It can delay a sale. It may even potentially kill a sale.

You may also find it more difficult to sell the house for the asking price you want. Buyers will argue that it’s a problem they’ll need to get fixed, so you should knock the estimated costs of that fix off the top.

It’s a hassle you don’t need or want during the home sale process.

Looking for more real estate tips? Check out the posts in our Real Estate section.

By Manali