Closer Up Of Woman Suffering From Bladder Problem

Approximately 25 to 45 percent of people experience urinary incontinence or bowel incontinence, an uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing condition that leads to uncontrollable leakage. 

Some people assume that incontinence is a normal part of getting older and that there is nothing you can do to treat it. And although you are more likely to experience incontinence as you age, there are plenty of treatments to help you deal with this illness and prevent it from disrupting your life. 

Would you like to know about the best incontinence treatments? If so, keep reading as we share three of them!

1. Lifestyle Modifications

Sometimes, patients can improve their incontinence without taking medication or undergoing procedures. So, lifestyle changes are likely the first thing your doctor will recommend. 

For example, you may need to train your bladder to delay urination instead of going as soon as you feel the urge. At first, you can wait ten minutes before using the restroom. But eventually, you should try to space your trips to the toilet out by about 3 hours. 

Another tip your doctor may give you is to schedule your bathroom breaks with a timer instead of waiting until you feel the urge. Doing so will keep you from leaking urine throughout the day or going more frequently without realizing it. 

Of course, one of the most helpful tricks to dealing with incontinence is managing your fluid intake. For example, drinking many caffeinated beverages or a lot of alcohol can cause you to urinate more often.

2. Medications

If lifestyle changes aren’t enough to treat your incontinence, your doctor may prescribe medication. Most medications for overactive bladders work by relaxing the bladder, allowing patients to empty their bladder completely when urinating. However, alpha-blockers may be a better choice for men with urge or overflow incontinence. 

3. Kegel Exercises and Electrical Stimulation

Kegel exercises involve squeezing your pelvic muscles and holding them tight for a few seconds before relaxing. Doing several sets of ten kegel exercises every day is a great way to strengthen your pelvic floor. 

While kegel exercises can help women with stress incontinence strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support their bladder, electrical stimulation is a faster and more efficient treatment. 

One version of electrical stimulation delivers the equivalent of over ten thousand Kegels in less than a half-hour while sitting on a chair. And as a result of this service, the muscles that support the bladder are strengthened in just a few treatments. 

Get Help Treating Your Incontinence!

Even if you have had incontinence for years, it’s not too late to get help! There are plenty of available treatments that will allow you to throw out pads, adult diapers, and other incontinence supplies. So, make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to discover your options! 

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By Manali