Three months may not appear to be a long time, but it’s enough time for your infant to become a bigger and more aware child. At this point, your child may be getting into a normal sleep routine and growing in regards to her interaction with other people. This will surely bring you some relief from the constant worry about the child.
Activities can help your child improve her skills and enhance the way she interacts with others. Three months may seem like too young to play games, but it’s never too early to begin developing. Let’s take a look at some activities for 11 week old baby that can aid in the development and growth of your baby
It is likely that you have an extra energy level, and you and your child have a more regular routine. This will help tremendously in controlling your baby.
When you get the chance to play, you can try these activities for your three-month-old. Through playing, you can aid your baby’s development, both physically and mentally.
Below are some of my favourite sensory activities to entertain your baby at 11 weeks old. They’ve been tested and tried.
1- Fine Motor Activities
These activities aid your child in developing her abilities to move in an enjoyable way.
- Lay your child on her back and set or place toys on a level that is not within her reach. Shake or move the toy for her to pull towards the toy.
- Make sure you play action songs with your child and get her to do the actions as many times as possible. Clapping and pat-cakes are good alternatives, too.
- Make sure your child has safe toys that she can grasp and play with whatever she likes. This helps her improve her grip strength and also improves her motor
- skills as well. But, make sure to provide her with a gift that is big enough she doesn’t get choked.
2- Gross Motor Activities
Activities that involve gross motor skills at this age can aid in strengthening the muscles in her back and neck. Tummy time must be initiated immediately, with the guidance of the mother.
- It is a good idea to encourage your child to stand up on her own at this point. Sit your baby on the lap, with her neck and back held by a firm hand, and then encourage your child to gaze at you with a smile and make silly noises.
- It is possible to have tummy time accomplished by putting the infant on her stomach and ensuring that toys are away from her. It is also possible to sit down with your child and ask her to raise her head and gaze at you.
- Alter her position as often as you can regularly. You can put her on her stomach for a few minutes, then place her on her back or lie down with firm support for a couple of minutes. This will stimulate her curiosity since she is able to see a different aspect of the universe around her. Remember to discuss this as often as you can.
3- Communicating And Imitating
1. Instruct your baby to listen to your voice. Take a walk around an area and make sure to call the baby’s name. If she is looking at you, make sure you respond by smiling and cuddling.
2. Encourage your baby to mimic. Place the baby on your lap with you. If the baby makes a facial gesture or sound, mimic it to her. Always respond with a smile so that you can keep this method of communication. She will soon realize that her words have significance and may receive an answer from Mama.
3. Sing and talk. Create a collage with your baby using your words. While playing with your baby, talk to her about what she’s watching. “Look, Genevieve, the cat, is coming up. Isn’t she a huge cat? Its brown fur feels so soft.” The little children are already developing a sense of language. A website named Babies and Beauty says that the more words they can hear in the present, the more they will understand. However, it is equally crucial that they get plenty of quiet and rest.
4- Learning
1. Train yourself to track toys and other people. Lay the baby down on the floor while gently rolling a ball in her direction. Make sure she follows the ball’s trajectory with her eyes. This can be accomplished with numerous toys or even other people. A rattle can give a bit of encouragement in case she isn’t at first.
2. Use the baby’s name. If you’re talking to your baby, use her name. Sing songs with her name. Her name is among the first words she’ll be able to assign a meaning to.
3. Sing nursery rhymes and lullabies with high, low voices and soft ones.
4. Offer your child a variety of types of textures to explore. Sensory boards are easily constructed, although they aren’t really required. Allow your baby to experience the carpet, wood floors, grass and cushions.
Activities for learning for 3 months old babies can seem rather simple and easy, and they can be! It’s not hard to provide these babies with the best beginning. Make sure to allow your baby plenty of time to be quiet to process the learning that takes place during the course of a day.