twitter trends

Twitter trends are a great way to keep up with what’s happening on the platform. They allow you to see what people are talking about, what they’re sharing, and where they’re spending their time.

The future of Twitter is bright! With so many new features and updates coming this year, Twitter will continue to be one of the most popular social media platforms around. If you want your business to take advantage of all these new opportunities, it’s important that you stay up-to-date with what’s happening on the platform.

In terms of engagement, Twitter is still the most popular social media platform in the world. Out of all other social media sites, it is ranked second only to Facebook.

As of Q4 2020, Twitter had 353.1 million mDAU and saw an average daily engagement rate of 11.7%. In comparison, Facebook had 2.6 billion mDAU and an average daily engagement rate of 5.5%, whereas Instagram had 1.4 billion mDAU and an average daily engagement rate of 11%.

The numbers are impressive for Twitter because its user base has grown from 290 million users in 2019 to 353 million users in 2021 (Twitter 2021).

What Is Twitter’s Archive? and How Do You Use It?

You may access your Account settings by clicking the more icon in the navigation bar, then choosing Your account from the menu. Click Download to obtain an archive of your data. Enter your password under Download an archive of your data, then click Confirm.

To read previous tweets, you may access the Twitter archive, which is a collection of Tweets through the Twitter API. All public Tweets are included in the archive, so anybody may search for them using a keyword.

You can use the archive to find historic information about your brand, competitor and industry trends. You may also want to use it as part of your content analysis strategy so you can see what people are talking about in the news right now.

The archive contains all tweets ever tweeted on Twitter. It’s not just the 140 characters that make up your tweet, but also everything that makes up the 140 characters: links, images, videos, and more.

The archive provides a search interface where users can search through all of their tweets by keyword or phrase. You can also filter the results by date range and language (English or Spanish).

What tweet received the most retweets ever?

Japanese businessman Yusaku Maezawa sent the tweet with the most retweets ever on January 5, 2019. The businessman made a one-million-yen gift offer to 100 randomly chosen followers of his account who retweeted the post.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the tweet was written in both Japanese and English and included a link to a video of Maezawa discussing his desire to travel to space. He can be seen in the video sitting inside a space capsule while sporting an astronaut’s helmet.

Maezawa is best known for running the fashion company Zozo and for purchasing 4,000 artworks from Jeff Koons for $135 million in 2016. His interest in outer space exploration stems from his interest in art and music as well as from his love of science fiction films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).

The most popular tweet ever is from Barack Obama’s farewell speech as president of the United States on January 11, 2017. It received over 1 billion impressions and over 3 million retweets within 12 hours after being posted on Twitter by Obama himself – making it one of the most retweeted tweets ever!

The tweet announcing that American actor Chadwick Boseman would die away on August 29, 2020, has received the most likes ever. Colon cancer caused his death. More than 7.1 million people have liked the tweet. Twitter acknowledged that it was the most liked tweet ever on August 30, 2020.

By Manali