Therapy (DBT)

Have you thought about getting some help? There are various forms of therapy you could benefit from, whether you need help with your relationship, everyday life, or a therapist for a loved one. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, or DBT, is a well-known technique.

Many people find it difficult to manage their emotions because they can be draining. You can be pleased one minute and then be so stressed out that you can’t think clearly the next. People may deal with their emotions in unhealthy ways, including with booze, drugs, or self-harm. 

If any of this seems similar, a dialectical behavior therapy center in Abu Dhabi may be able to assist you. Let’s take a closer look at what DBT has to offer as we discuss it in more depth today.

What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and how is it defined?

DBT is a sort of cognitive-behavioral therapy that has been somewhat modified (CBT). This therapy teaches individuals how to live in the now, develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress, manage their emotions, and strengthen their relationships. 

DBT was developed for the treatment of borderline personality disorder (BPD), however, mental health practitioners have discovered that it can also be used to treat a range of other disorders. DBT therapy in Abu Dhabi can help people who have trouble regulating their emotions or engaging in self-destructive habits, and it’s even used to heal trauma.

People Seek DBT Therapy for a Variety of Reasons

DBT can help everyone, although it’s most typically advised for people who are experiencing certain emotional or trauma symptoms. These are a few examples:

  • Trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  • Depression is severe or persistent.
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Eating disorders
  • Problems in Relationships
  • Abuse of drugs and alcohol
  • Self-harm/cutting

If you’ve recently been diagnosed with a mental illness, how can DBT help you?

DBT can assist you in achieving a positive attitude. This therapy can aid in the development of positive relationships and the feeling of being respected, joyful, and appreciated. It can assist you in learning to ask for what you require, establish appropriate limits, and manage your emotions. 

This can be accomplished by obtaining a wide array of skills to assist you with dealing with your emotions. All of these things will be helped by your therapist in a dialectical behavior therapy clinic. Things can become better if you put in the effort, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. It is not necessary for you to do it on your own.

Some people have had bad experiences with therapy in the past. It’s possible that it’s not the best fit for you and your circumstances. However, the ideal therapist recognizes the importance of a therapeutic relationship and can assist you in gaining the resources you need to improve your coping abilities and handle your problems in a thoughtful and compassionate manner.

The dialectical behavior therapy specialist will take the time to get to know you in the beginning and strive towards forming a solid relationship. They will urge you to open up about your concerns and will not pass judgment on you.

The Foundation of DBT Therapy Skills Training

Although there are numerous facets to dialectical behavior therapy, the main notion is that you want to overcome your problems and need better tools to do so. Our therapists can assist you in developing the necessary skill set to get to where you want to go.

In addition to teaching you new skills, your DBT Doctor in Abu Dhabi will also teach you how to use them in daily life. There will be a lot of discussion about them not just once but at almost every session. It is likely you will be given assignments between appointments.  Afterward, at the next session, you’ll talk about the assignment and work on resolving any issues that arise.

DBT’s Four Techniques

Four different skill sets are included in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. With the set you are using, you are able to improve your overall quality of life by dealing with the different parts of your life.  The following are some of these methods:


Living in the present moment is what mindfulness is all about. Focusing on what you need at the moment is what your therapist will help you with. People typically begin DBT by reacting and then disregarding their feelings in order to focus solely on how they believe they should behave to a circumstance. To locate the smarter side of yourself, mindfulness teaches you to combine having to listen to your emotions with facts and reason.

Emotional Regulation Skills

Helping you manage or cope with your emotions is what emotional regulation is all about. The first step in therapy is to help you identify and name your feelings. Your therapist will then work with you to help you balance your emotions so that you don’t feel so overwhelmed and can learn to manage your emotions in a healthy way.

Skills in Distress Tolerance

Distress tolerance refers to the ability to cope with adversity without acting rashly, shutting down altogether, or exacerbating the problem. You’ll learn how to deal with little setbacks, serious concerns, and even a major crisis.

Interpersonal Effectiveness Skills

Healthy relationship skills are mostly translated from interpersonal effectiveness skills. They’re meant to open your eyes to a new perspective on your relationships and how you interact with others. You’ll learn how to effectively say “no,” how to ask for precisely what you require from others, how to retain your self-respect in relationships, and how to nurture your partnerships.

A Therapy That Is Personalized For You

Access to treatment has never been easier than it is today.  Fortunately, there are a variety of options available to assist you and others cope through these trying times, including counseling and mental health therapy.

Adult therapy for individuals, single couples, and married couples are one of the various treatments provided by Maudsley Health UAE. Call us now to book an appointment.

Check out Maudsley Health Experiences & Reviews online to read on our previous and current patients’ experiences regarding our treatment and services.

By Manali